Creating healthy Boundaries - Speaking your truth


I am fearless and free!

Greetings Beings,

Boundaries are essential to life and creating healthy boundaries requires one to speak their truth. This is an area of life that has always been a struggle for me until I realized that my relationships with others reflected my relationship with myself.  How can you be honest with anyone else if you can’t be honest with yourself?

‘’It’s so loud inside my head, with words that I’ve should’ve said’’ – Lupe. If you know, you know.

Maat, the personification of truth, justice, and the cosmic order. The daughter of the sun god Re, she was associated with Thoth, god of wisdom.

I have decided that this is the year of freedom and fearlessness, and no one (referring to myself) will block, delay, or distract me from being the best version of me. Creating this blog has also provided me with a space to speak my truth, so let’s have a Truth Moment.

Truth moment.

I don’t care who you are, it burns my soul whenever anyone dares to approach me with -

‘’ I can’t wait for you to have a baby’’, ‘’ We aren’t getting any younger’’, ‘’when are you going to have a baby’’

For the record I am aware of my age; I am aware that time moves forward with each passing moment. I am aware of the birthing abilities of the female body; after all, I am a doula. So please know that I don’t need your questions, suggestion, or opinions about my womb.

As a woman who survives a miscarriage and a stillbirth. As someone who doubted herself and continues to work hard to break the ‘’running out of time’’ mindset. I do not appreciate the lack of consideration of people when they speak on such intimate and private parts of someone’s life.

Having said that, I don’t enjoy being combative, no part of me wants to exist in that energetic space so I do my best to take those opportunities and turn them into teachable moments. I’m learning not to take other people’s actions personally, sometimes people are just unaware and it’s in those moments that we can open another’s mind and plant a seed of knowledge.

How do you turn an unwanted conversation into a teachable boundary-setting moment?  

Peace and blessings my Beautiful Beings



Disclaimer: Native Being offers information on childbirth and a variety of other health topics. This information is for educational purposes only. This information does not substitute for or replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional concerning questions about your health.

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